Best Places to Visit on a Jordan Tour

Jordan, a country rich in history, culture, and natural beauty, is a must-visit destination for travelers seeking a blend of ancient wonders and modern attractions. From the ancient city of Petra to the stunning landscapes of Wadi Rum, Jordan offers an array of breathtaking sites. This guide will explore the best places to visit on your Jordan tour, ensuring an unforgettable journey through this captivating country.

1. Petra: The Rose City

The Treasury (Al-Khazneh)

Petra, also known as the Rose City, is Jordan's most famous and iconic site. The Treasury, or Al-Khazneh, is the most well-known structure in Petra, renowned for its grand façade carved directly into the red sandstone cliff.

Must-See Attractions

  • Siq: The narrow, winding gorge that leads to the Treasury, offering dramatic views as you approach.
  • Monastery (Ad-Deir): A massive and equally impressive structure that requires a hike to reach but is well worth the effort.
  • Royal Tombs: A series of large tombs with intricate carvings and impressive architecture.
  • The Great Temple: A sprawling complex of ruins that gives insight into the grandeur of Petra.

The High Place of Sacrifice

For panoramic views of Petra, hike up to the High Place of Sacrifice. This ancient altar offers stunning vistas of the city and surrounding landscapes.

Must-See Features

  • Obelisks and Altars: Carved into the rock, these ancient structures provide a glimpse into Petra's religious practices.
  • Views of Petra: Offering a bird's-eye view of the entire site, perfect for photography and appreciation of the city's scale.

2. Amman: The Modern Capital

The Citadel

Amman, Jordan's capital, is a city that seamlessly blends ancient history with modern life. The Citadel, located on a hill in the heart of the city, is home to ruins from various historical periods.

Must-See Attractions

  • Temple of Hercules: Roman-era ruins that dominate the site, offering great views of the city.
  • Umayyad Palace: Remnants of an Islamic-era palace with impressive architectural features.
  • Jordan Archaeological Museum: Housing artifacts from Jordan's rich history, including the Dead Sea Scrolls.

Roman Theater

Located in downtown Amman, the Roman Theater is a well-preserved amphitheater that dates back to the 2nd century AD. It is still used today for cultural events and performances.

Must-See Features

  • Museum of Popular Traditions: Located within the theater complex, showcasing traditional Jordanian clothing and artifacts.
  • Folklore Museum: Offering insights into Jordanian life through the ages.

3. Wadi Rum: The Valley of the Moon

Desert Landscapes

Wadi Rum, also known as the Valley of the Moon, is a spectacular desert landscape characterized by towering cliffs, sweeping sand dunes, and unique rock formations. It’s a favorite destination for adventurers and nature lovers.

Must-See Attractions

  • Lawrence’s Spring: Named after T.E. Lawrence (Lawrence of Arabia), this spring is a popular stop for its historical significance and natural beauty.
  • Khazali Canyon: Featuring ancient inscriptions and petroglyphs.
  • The Seven Pillars of Wisdom: A rock formation named after Lawrence’s book, offering stunning views.


Wadi Rum offers a range of activities that allow you to fully immerse yourself in its unique landscape.

Must-Do Activities

  • Camel Trekking: Experience the desert the traditional way by riding a camel.
  • 4x4 Jeep Tours: Explore the vast desert and its many hidden gems.
  • Stargazing: With minimal light pollution, Wadi Rum is an excellent spot for stargazing.
  • Rock Climbing: For the more adventurous, the cliffs of Wadi Rum offer some of the best rock climbing in the world.

4. The Dead Sea: The Lowest Point on Earth

Float in the Saltwater

The Dead Sea, located at the lowest point on Earth, is famous for its incredibly high salt content, which allows you to float effortlessly. It’s a unique and relaxing experience that shouldn’t be missed.

Must-See Features

  • Mud Baths: The mineral-rich mud is believed to have therapeutic properties and is great for your skin.
  • Resorts and Spas: Numerous resorts along the coast offer luxurious treatments and facilities.

Nearby Attractions

While visiting the Dead Sea, explore nearby attractions that offer historical and natural beauty.

Must-See Nearby Sites

  • Bethany Beyond the Jordan: The site believed to be where Jesus was baptized.
  • Mount Nebo: Offering stunning views of the Holy Land and believed to be the burial site of Moses.
  • Madaba: Known for its Byzantine and Umayyad mosaics, including the famous Madaba Map.

5. Jerash: The Pompeii of the East

Roman Ruins

Jerash is one of the best-preserved Roman cities in the world, often referred to as the Pompeii of the East. Its extensive ruins offer a fascinating glimpse into ancient Roman life.

Must-See Attractions

  • Hadrian’s Arch: A monumental archway built to honor Emperor Hadrian’s visit.
  • The Oval Plaza: A unique, oval-shaped forum surrounded by columns.
  • The Cardo: The main street of Jerash, lined with columns and ruins of shops and public buildings.
  • The North and South Theaters: Two well-preserved amphitheaters that still host performances.

Festivals and Events

Jerash hosts the annual Jerash Festival of Culture and Arts, which features performances by local and international artists, including music, dance, and theater.

Must-See Events

  • Traditional Dance Performances: Showcasing Jordanian culture.
  • Musical Concerts: Featuring artists from around the world.
  • Theatrical Productions: Held in the ancient theaters of Jerash.

6. Aqaba: The Red Sea Resort

Snorkeling and Diving

Aqaba, Jordan’s only coastal city, is a popular destination for snorkeling and diving in the Red Sea. The clear waters and vibrant coral reefs make it a paradise for underwater enthusiasts.

Must-See Dive Sites

  • Cedar Pride Wreck: A sunken ship that has become a haven for marine life.
  • Japanese Gardens: Known for its colorful coral formations.
  • Aqaba Marine Park: A protected area with numerous dive sites.

Water Sports

In addition to snorkeling and diving, Aqaba offers a variety of water sports.

Must-Do Activities

  • Jet Skiing: For an adrenaline-pumping experience on the water.
  • Parasailing: Offering breathtaking views of the coast and the city.
  • Boat Tours: Explore the coastline and enjoy the scenic beauty of the Red Sea.

Relaxing on the Beach

Aqaba’s sandy beaches are perfect for relaxing and soaking up the sun. Many resorts offer private beaches with all the amenities you need for a perfect day by the sea.


Jordan is a country that offers an incredible array of experiences for travelers. From the ancient wonders of Petra and Jerash to the natural beauty of Wadi Rum and the Dead Sea, there’s something for everyone in this diverse and captivating land. Whether you’re exploring historical sites, enjoying outdoor adventures, or relaxing by the Red Sea, Jordan promises an unforgettable journey filled with rich history, stunning landscapes, and warm hospitality. Make sure to include these top destinations in your Jordan tour itinerary to experience the best this remarkable country has to offer.

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